Multiple Employer Plans

Multiple Employer Plans

Elevate401(k) was founded by individuals who have dedicated their careers to growing and servicing multiple employer 401(k) plans (MEP) throughout their evolution.

A recent Department of Labor final ruling greatly expanded the viability of Multiple Employer Plans. According to the DOL “For a small business, in particular, a MEP may present an attractive alternative to taking on the responsibilities of sponsoring or administering its own plan. The MEP structure can reduce the employer’s cost of sponsoring a benefit plan and effectively transfer substantial legal risk to professional fiduciaries responsible for the management of the plan.” Page 2, 29 CFR Part 2510 RIN 1210-AB88

Efficient MEP Operations

The open architecture environment, in combination with years of MEP experience, has positioned Elevate401(k) to provide efficient and custom solutions to this growing 401(k) segment. Our integrated service professionals form dedicated teams responsible for insuring compliant and efficient service to MEP operations.

Independent Pricing Freedom

Our independent pricing structure allows MEP plans the ability to offer competitive pricing from Day 1. Don’t be held hostage to minimum asset-based pricing or forced use of Managed Portfolios that charge hidden fees to give the perception of artificially low plan expenses.

Learn more about our MEP Solutions